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Hotels in Tashkent

Медресе Ибрагима Охунда

From monument history
Ibrahim Okhund's madrasah was constructed in 1884 and entered into the ensemble consisting of the mosque Oy-Binok and madrasah Mahomed Nabi. This two-storeyed construction with the courtyard paved with a square brick consisting from 38 hudzhr. The madrasah was located in the quarter Oy-Binok which consisted of 35 houses which inhabitants were engaged in trade.

From history of the museum
The exposition of the museum was constructed in 1995 and tells about Varakhshe – the city prospering in the early Middle Ages (the 4-7th century of century AD). Varakhsha was the residence of governors of Bukhara – bukhar-hudat till the 7th century of a new era, is located in 40 km to the northwest from Bukhara and was the last station before eight-day transition through the Kyzyl Kum Desert on the way from Bukhara to Khwarezm. Planning of the city consisted of three parts: a citadel — the palace of governors, Shakhristan — the downtown with houses of rich citizens and Rabat – the craft suburb of the city. Are presented to expositions: fragments carved piece from the palace of governors (the 7-9th century of century), pottery, a jewelry (the 10-11th century of century)

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