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Минарет Кальта-Минар

Kalta-Minar is a minaret located on the territory of Ichan-Kala - the inner city of ancient Khiva (Uzbekistan). Built in 1852-1855.
Kalta-Minor was intended to become the largest minaret in Central Asia if it were completed: with a base diameter of 14.2 m, its height would reach 70 m. According to the Khiva historian Munis, construction stopped in the middle due to the death of Muhammad-Amin- Khan. The minaret was called “kalta”, that is, “short”.

According to the Khivan historian Agakhi, construction was not finished, because of death Mahomed Amin khan in 1855. And the legend narrates that the emir of Bukhara, having learned about construction of a unique minaret in Khiva, wanted to construct same in Bukhara, and agreed with the master that he will make it as soon as he finishes work in Khiva. The Khivan khan, having learned about it, gave the order to kill the master right after it finishes construction. This news also reached the master, and he ran away, having left a minaret unfinished.
Stamp of Uzbekistan
The minaret is known exactly thanks to the incompleteness and also thanks to a unique decor (Kalta-Minar — the only minaret which is completely covered with a glazed tile and a majolica).

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