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Sights of Fergana Valley

 All the cities of the Ferghana Valley of Uzbekistan - Margilan, Rishtan, Kokand, Andijan, Namangan, Ferghana - became famous thanks to the work of their artisans: they produce famous adras and ceramics.
The cities made these cities industrious, tourists come here and merchants from different cities of Uzbekistan come here and not only who know a lot about good products, but also all who value power, quality, beauty, and uniqueness

Медресе Нарбута-бия

Norbut-Biya Madrasah – one of the few madrasahs of the 18th century, which remained to us. During this period in Kokand there were about 40 madrasahs, but it considerably differed in the architecture and an ornament. The madrasah is constructed at Chorsu Square and represents the one-storey building of 52x72 meters. Throughout 2 centuries of madrasah was the largest educational institution of Kokand – there was the greatest number of living rooms (huzhr).


Burhanuddin Abul-Hasan Ali ibn Abu Bakr al-Marginani, better known as Burhanuddin al-Marginani (Uzbek Burkhaniddin al-Marғiloniy; 1090, Rishtan-1197, Samarkand) - a Central Asian thinker, scientist and philosopher, Islamic lawyer-faculty, theologian, in the Islamic world, the title is Sheikh-ul-Islam. The author of the fundamental work “Al Hidoya fi sharh Bidoya al-Mubtadi”, or in abbreviated form: “Kitab al-Hidoya” - “A Guide to the Commentary on the“ Beginner for the Beginner (Training) "." "Hidoya" ("al Hidoya") literally means "guide."

Усыпальница правителей "Дамаи Шахон"

Damoi Shakhon in Kokand – in which the governor of Kokand Narbuta-by and his descendants are buried. In 1822, after Umarkhan's death, construction was finished by his wife, the poet famous in due time, Nodirabegim. Construction of a tomb was complete at the end of 1825.


Kurbankul (Blue Lake) is the main natural attraction of the Shahimardan exclave of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Located 7 kilometers southwest of the village of Shahimardan. The water in the lake is turquoise. A holy place for Muslims. The lake arose after a series of powerful earthquakes in 1766. Located at an altitude of 1724 m above sea level. The lake is 170 meters long, 60 meters wide, and 5-10 meters deep. Water temperature reaches 5-10 degrees Celsius in summer. Since its inception, the lake has become a pilgrimage site for Muslims in the Ferghana Valley.

Памятник Аль-Фергани

Abul Abba with Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Qasir al-Fergani (Around 798-861 - one of the largest medieval Persian scholars of the 9th century, a Central Asian astronomer, mathematician and geographer. A native of the Ferghana Valley. In Western Europe he was known under the Latinized name Alfraganus.
Biography. Biographical information about the famous scientist was practically not preserved, the exact place of birth is not known, however, judging by his pseudonym Alfraganus, he was a native of the Ferghana Valley. Al-Fergani is known to have lived in Baghdad in middle age, working in the “House of Wisdom”

Здание мужской гимназии

The gymnasium building to the west of the church square is as well preserved as the original metal grill of its patio. This impressive and powerful structure is considered one of the most interesting in Ferghana. The building of the only old cinema that has been preserved in the city is also noteworthy. Initially, it stood between the trading houses of Gubernatorskaya Street and stood out from them with a fancy facade with pointed corner towers and unusual doorways.

Ферганский областной краеведческий музей

One of the oldest museums of Uzbekistan is the Fergana regional museum of local lore. The agricultural and industrial exhibition, which passed in 1894 in the city New Margelan, nowadays Fergan, was the cause for creation of this museum. Originally, under the museum allocated four rooms on the top floor of the governor's house. The exposition of the museum for that time consisted of a part of collections from an exhibition and those objects, which offered to the museum different persons. But in two years of the existence the museum by 1897 gathered about 1200 objects and books.

Здание военного собрания

The building of the military assembly was built in 1878-1879. according to the project of Sinclair. This is one of the oldest city buildings. Later, several outbuildings were added to it, which slightly violated the symmetry of the original design. The building is distinguished by a semicircular rotunda, and behind it is a city park.

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