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Sights Of Khiva

The legend of the founding of the city tells that the city grew around the Heyvak well, from which water had an amazing taste, and the well was dug by order of Shem, the son of the biblical Noah. In Ichan-Kala (the inner city of Khiva), today you can see this well. Khiva was one of the cities of ancient Khorezm, which was a large state located in the west of Central Asia, south of the Aral Sea.

Медресе Ходжи Бердибай

The Khoji Berdyba Madrasah was built in 1688 on the initiative of wealthy and respected residents near the eastern gate of Khiva - Palvan-Darvoz. This madrasah is one of the oldest in Khiva, preserved to this day. Most of the famous monuments of Khiva belong to a later period - the XVIII-XIX centuries.

Летняя резиденция Хивинских эмиров – Тозабог

Kibla Tozabog is green gardens, shady ayvan in combination with comfortable living conditions of the residence of the khan of Khiva. Presently here the improving center where it is possible not only to have a rest functions, but also to enjoy the Khorezm kitchen
The Tozabog palace is surrounded high, as at fortress, with cob walls from clay blocks. Access to the residence passes through massive carved gate. Behind walls, green lawns and ancient trees meet visitors.

Дворец Нурулла-бая

In Dishan-Calais (the external city of Khiva) there are many historical and cultural monuments. Among them — the Nurullabaya palace built in 1906-1912 by order of Mahomed-Rakhimbaya II. Part of a palace complex are several court yard and gardens, rooms for court sessions (arzkhan), ceremonial halls and living rooms. All constructions are surrounded with a powerful fortification which extent is more than 650 meters. Through equal intervals over a wall semicircular towers-guldasta rise. The main palace building is adjoined by madrasah and several two-storeyed structures with premises framed with ayvana.

Музей истории Хорезма имени Аль-Хорезми и Беруни

Museum of history of Khwarezm of Al-Horezmi and Beruni. it is updated Al-Horezmi (architect S. Sutyagin) is constructed to anniversary. The exposition of the museum was transported from the former palace Tash-hauli.
The department of archeology is constructed on materials of the Khorezm arkheologo-ethnographic expedition under the leadership of the famous orientalist S.P. Tolstov. In the ancient time in the territory of Khwarezm there were high-civilized states. 

Мавзолей Уч-Овлия

Uch-Ovliya's mausoleum (16th century). The name of a monument of architecture is translated as "The mausoleum of Three Saints" It was built at once country cemetery which was filled up to the 20th century, burying under itself(himself) the lower parts of walls of the building. Now it stands behind the palace Tash-hauli. Archeological excavations from stratifications free the mausoleum. The extensive hall is blocked by a dome on arch sails with filling of corners with cellular stalactites, characteristic of Khwarezm. 

Медресе Казы-Калян

Madrasah Kazy-Kalyan (1905). Small, plain on architecture Now in its hudzhra the exposition of the Museum of applied art and life of Khwarezm is arranged.

Медресе Ширгази-xана

Madrasah of Shirgazi-hana. It is constructed in 1718-1720 after a successful military campaign of Shirgazi-hana (1715-1728) to Khurasan. Shergazy khan — Over an entrance to the two-storeyed building of madrasah of Shergazy khan an inscription on a marble slab "Death from slaves I accept madrasah". History of this madrasah is tragic. The beginning of construction of this building belongs to 1719. Then, after a campaign to Mashhad, Shergazy khan drove about 5 000 Persians to Khiva, then turned into slaves.

Минарет Бика-джан-бика

Minaret of Bika-djhan-bika (1894). It is located behind gate of Ata-Darwaz. It is kind of the doubled Abdal-bobo's minaret. In memory of old residents the name of the master building it - Avul's lips remained.

Мавзолей Абдал Бобо

The mausoleum Abdal Bobo  is located in east part of Dishan-Kal, to the south of madrasah Abdullah Nasfurusha, and to the east of Palvan Carry's madrasah. The mausoleum was built in honor of Abdal Bobo whose real name was Palvan Ahmad Zamchi. After invasion of Arabs, Abdal Bobo became one of adherents of Islamic religion in Khiva. After his death around the place of its burial, winter and summer mosques, a minaret Abdal Bobo, a pond were built. The mausoleum Abdal Bobo is executed in the Bukhara style. Abdal Bobo, is from the kishlak of Zamchi, near Bukhara, was a distant descendant of the prophet Mahomed.

Резиденция Ислам Ходжи

The residence Islam-Hodzhi, the educated Asfandiyar-Khan's adviser, consists of the smallest madrasah in Khiva (42 hudzhry-rooms for pupils) and the highest minaret (57 meters). Together structures represent an unusual, but harmonious architectural complex. The most famous masters of an era took part in its construction. A minaret Islam Hodge call a symbol Ichang-Kaly. At the height of 45 meters, there is an observation deck with which all city is visible.
Finishing of a minaret a glazed tile gives to a monumental structure ease and grace. 

Музей ремесел (Хива)

The museum of crafts is in the building of madrasah of Matpana-baya. In it the exhibits reflecting life and instruments of labor of handicraftsmen of Khwarezm are presented. The skill of smiths, armorers, jewelers, bricklayers, skinners, potters, weavers reached in the 19-20th centuries of high level. Khiva was famous for the master jewelers. Medical nicknames, masters of painting in a tree.

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