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Памятник Аль-Фергани

Abul Abba with Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Qasir al-Fergani (Around 798-861 - one of the largest medieval Persian scholars of the 9th century, a Central Asian astronomer, mathematician and geographer. A native of the Ferghana Valley. In Western Europe he was known under the Latinized name Alfraganus.
Biography. Biographical information about the famous scientist was practically not preserved, the exact place of birth is not known, however, judging by his pseudonym Alfraganus, he was a native of the Ferghana Valley. Al-Fergani is known to have lived in Baghdad in middle age, working in the “House of Wisdom”

(Al-Mamun Academy), founded by the ruler al-Mamun. Prominent scientists and scientists from all over Central Asia were invited to the academy. The Academy also worked in the same way: astronomer and mathematician al-Khwarizmi, physicist Yusuf ibn Ishaq (al-Kindi), physicians Abu Rezi and Hunayn ibn Ishaq.
Two observatories were built in Baghdab, equipped with the best, at that time, instrumentation that allowed scientists to observe the starry sky and do mathematical calculations. A group of astronomers: Yahya ibn Abu Mansur, Abdalmalik al-Merverrudi, Habash al-Merwezi and Ahmad al-Fergani, led by the head of the House of Wisdom, mathematician and astronomer Al-Khwarizmi, made many discoveries over the years, including: calculation magnitude of the Earth’s meridian, calculation of the circumference of the Earth, compilation of dates (tables of the starry sky) containing exact coordinates and a description of thousands of celestial bodies.
In the middle of the IX century, al-Fergani moved to Cairo, where he lived until his death.
He worked on the design of astrolabe - a device for determining the location of celestial bodies and the distances between them. He wrote a scientific treatise on this instrument, in 861 he restored a nilometer on the island of Raud near Cairo. This device used to calculate the high water levels of the Nile and predict floods was used during the construction of the Aswan Dam and has not lost its relevance to this day, being one of the attractions of the capital of Egypt.
In Europe it was known by the name Alfraganus (Alfraganus), and in the East, as Hasiba. In 1998, under the auspices of UNESCO, the 1200th anniversary of the birth of the scientist was celebrated.