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Медресе Ходжи Бердибай

The Khoji Berdyba Madrasah was built in 1688 on the initiative of wealthy and respected residents near the eastern gate of Khiva - Palvan-Darvoz. This madrasah is one of the oldest in Khiva, preserved to this day. Most of the famous monuments of Khiva belong to a later period - the XVIII-XIX centuries.

Externally, the madrasah is a rectangular building with a courtyard. During the functioning of the madrasah, there were traditionally aivans at the corners of the courtyard, where teachers and students of the madrasah usually rested in the hottest hours. Entrance doors of the madrasah are traditionally decorated with wood carvings.

The interior of the madrasah is quite ascetic. Only painted wooden bars (panjara) on the windows give the madrasah some oriental charm. In the far corner of the madrasah is the darskhona - a place for students to study. It is a domed square room. Since the madrasah is quite small, there are only 16 hujras (cells) in it, where the madrassah students lived directly.

In 1834, the Khiva ruler Allakulikhan began the construction of a large mosque and madrassah. During construction work on the madrasah, part of the city wall was destroyed, and the external facade of the new madrasah was in the courtyard of the Khoja Berdyba madrassah. This was due to the fact that the foundations of both buildings were at different levels. As a result, the courtyard of the Khoja Berdybai madrasah was divided into two parts and began to resemble