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Juma mosque (18th century) is located in the center Ichang-Kalа. it is constructed by the hansk dignitary Abdurrahman Mikhtar on the place consecrated with tradition: the Khivan mosque here is mentioned still by the Arab geographer Makdisi (al-Mukaddasi). The building reproduces rare type of the archaic multicolumn mosque in Central Asia. In essence, it is just wooden canopy over the area. The roof with three light wells is supported by 212 carved wooden columns; 25 of them - ancient (The X-XVI centuries). Among them four columns of the 10-11th, centuries are especially valuable. They are established how the kufichesk letters which are cut out on them testify, on order of a fakikh Abul Fadla is scarlet - Mahomed Lyaysi who probably made this generous gift of the mosque as charity.

On a marble board, to the right of a mikhrab. The text to a vakfnama is cut. That is the donative diploma about constant possession and income of the mosque. On the southern entrance door there is a date - 1203 of Hijra, i.e. 1788. Entrance vorota-Dzhumy, inserted into the main aperture near a minaret, fairly are considered as one of masterpieces of woodcarving in Khwarezm.