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Дворец Таш-Ховли

Tash-Hovli — a palace complex in Khiva (Uzbekistan), the main palace of the Khivan khans. The palace was located in east part of Khiva built by Allakuli-hanom. Construction of the palace took about 8 years, from 1830 to 1838.
The first built the residential quarter of a harem, then mekhmonkhon — the place for formal receptions, and the last — an arzkhona, the courtroom.

Munis wrote that the best architects of that time were put on a stake because refused to build the palace in two years. Lips Kalandar Hivagi needed for this purpose 8 years.
In the southern part of the yard of a harem small ayvana, four of which were intended for wives of the khan (according to Sharia the man could have no more than four wives), the fifth ayvan are constructed, ornated served as the living room for the khan. In each ayvan there are premises for servants. The harem is equipped according to the Khorezm tradition of registration of women (Ichang haul). Some details of defensive fortress are present at design of the palace that corresponds to a lonely way of life of inhabitants of a harem. After a harem the mekhmonkhona was constructed (ishrat haul). The square yard with the round eminence for a yurta is built completely up with rooms and ayvana. Youzhny ayvan served for holding ceremonies and receptions of envoys. Ayvana the mekhmonkhona decorated with a majolica with the light ornamented ceiling and small towers on each side are similar in an interior to theater and are full of solemnity. Arzkhona (courtroom) is located in a southwest part Tash-Hovli. It is twice more than a mekhmonkhona. Also, as well as the mekhmonkhona, an arzkhona is decorated with a majolica. The famous master Abdullah, known as the Genius, made work. This master decorated all yards Tash-Hovli.

The period of government of the Alla-sacks-khan is characterized by the strong power of the khan, successful international policy and progress in trade with Russia. And as result, there was an opportunity to ornate buildings. Palace of the Alla-sacks-khan, the most outstanding architectural object of the 19th century. Small restoration works did not change the obrazy the palace, and it can quite be considered as the museum of the Khivan architecture of that time. Sizes: the general: 80х80 m; harem: 80х42 m; yard of a harem: 49х15 m; mekhmonkhona: 43х36,5 m; arzkhana: 35х40 m

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