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Бани Ануш-xана

Near Joint stock company mosque baths of Anusha-hana are located. They are constructed in 1657 and further were repeatedly under repair and reconstructed. It is considered that they were constructed in honor of Anusha-hana by his father - the governor and the famous historian Abulgazi-hanom (1644-1664) as waqf for the maintenance of this mosque. 

Baths of Anusha-hana are of interest heating, waters the supplying and sewer systems. This semi-underground construction with a set of rooms and an underground heating system. Deepening of rooms, the earth allowed keeping heat better. Only bath domes with light vertical openings in a zenith are outside visible. Like other east baths, they consist of a lobby, rooms for undressing and soap.
Legend of Anushe
About history of emergence of baths Anusha-hana there are many legends. Construction them is connected with a successful campaign Anusha Muhammad of the sultan on Kermin. Once the Bukhara governor Abdulaziz khan unexpectedly attacked army of Abulgazi-hana, and only thanks to courage and resourcefulness, Anusha Muhammad of the sultan attack was beaten off. Abulgazi-han arranged a big feast, in public recognized merits of the son and gave it a banner, army and Hazarasp welcomed.
There is also other curious legend:
At Abulgazi-hana, one of the most dear governors of Khiva, one sons were born. At first he rejoiced to it, but when the ninth son was born, he admitted that he would like to have also the daughter. The word of the master - the law. When the tenth child was born, the khan was told that at him at last the daughter was born. Abulgaz enjoined to name the girl of the favourite concubine - Armenian Anusha. Many years later Abulgazi-han - the talented commander for services in battle nicknamed Bakhadur (athlete) in one of numerous battles, which it conducted for consolidation of position of Khiva was taken prisoner to the Bukhara emir. Eldest sons did not hurry to the aid to the father, and then Anusha went to Bukhara.
- At Abulgazi-hana nine sons why it was come to the rescue by the daughter? - the emir of Bukhara asked Anusha.
- And how you are going to release it?
- Pledge the word that you will release the father if I surprise you, - Anusha asked.
- If you surprise - I will release, - the governor of Bukhara skeptically grinned.

Then Anusha undressed... also it was the young man. The emir was shocked and released Abulgazi-hana. The governor of Khiva, having come back home, told:
- It appears, I have not nine sons but only one - Anusha...
In gratitude for the rescue, he built the mosque and a bath clinic, having called by their name of the son.