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Мавзолей Калдыргач-бия (пер. пол. XV в.)

The oldest of the remained monuments in the territory of Tashkent. There are no direct historical data on time of construction. It is dated on archaeological researches. The building was built in the 15th century of a burned brick on high-quality solution and is remarkable the composition. It has a double pyramidal dome, rare for Uzbekistan, on low twelve a-faced drum. The mausoleum in the plan square, is separate dome construction. There is no facing on a facade.

The only element of the remained decor of the 15th century are ganchevy stalactites in the dome basis. The hall has four niches, in corners four small cameras, a spiral brick staircase and hudzhra. Under the main hall there is a small square crypt.
The mausoleum Kaldyrgach-Biya - the only sample of the centric single-chamber mausoleum in Tashkent with a crypt and a rare many-sided tent double dome in this region. Kaldyrgach-by was Hodge Akhrar's ancestor and the governor of Mogolistan. On one of national legends he was the mogolistansky tsarevitch from kipchak, on another - Kazakh biy of a sort dulat, the governor by the name of Toleby. nicknamed Kaldyrgach ("Swallow"). Sometimes here it is possible to meet local visitors, and both Uzbeks, and Kazakhs for whom it is one of the most honored shrines.