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Караван-сарай Малик Рабат

Rabat Malik, Rabat Malik (Rabat-e Mâlik from the Arab. رباط ribg ṭ — ribat, a caravanserai, the strengthened camp, the Arab. ملك malik) — Arab monarchic title, letters. — "Imperial Fortress") — a medieval caravanserai which ruins are in the neighborhood of the city of Navoiy.

Rabat-and Malik is in 23 kilometers to the west from the downtown of Navoiy and approximately in hundred kilometers to the northeast from Bukhara. In the Middle Ages in these mints there passed the piece of the Great silk way conducting from Samarkand to Bukhara as caused construction of the strengthened ribat, which received the name Rabat-and Malik. Now near ribaty there passes Highway M37. Nearby there is Navoiy, international between the national airport, and urban-type settlement Malikrabot. Near a complex there is the known sardoba Malik, modern to Rabat the huge tank.
The complex is constructed in 1078 — 1079 by Karakhanid Shams al mulky. Conceived as the strengthened inn, it functioned before the beginning of the 18th century. In 1841 — 1842 in the neighborhood of Rabat the Austrian traveler Alexander Lehmann visited, Lehmann made several drawings which reached our days. In 1973-1975, 1977 and 1997 — 2001 excavation (head N.B. Nemtseva) as a result of which strengthening planning was investigated were carried out.
Architecture and planning
Only a part of the southern facade with a tower reached our days, but about planning of fortress it is possible to judge by results of excavation: fortress represented a rectangular construction in the plan with the party in 100 meters on which corners there were towers more than 15 meters high which if to judge by Lehman's drawings, were in safety in the middle of the 19th century. Outside of a wall of fortress are decorated with flat semi-columns, grouped in pairs.
The entrance to strengthening was one — through the remained southern portal. The portal acts from a wall a little, it pryamougolen in the plan, is cut through by a lancet arch and decorated with a brick ornament. From the portal the gallery isolated from the economic rooms which were in the southern part deep into conducts (housing for servants, stables, kitchens with tandoors). The gallery conducts in an octagonal rotunda in which arches, as well as all gallery, were trimmed carved ganchy. From the rotunda serving as the central hall the courses in conduct in a northern inhabited part of a complex. In the middle of a complex at an entrance to a northern part there was a small mosque with mikhraby on the western wall and a minbar at the left. Walls and a minbar were decorated carved ganchy with blue subpaint. In time excavation a set of human bones were found that existence around a caravanserai the cemetery testifies. According to the same Lehman, outside the complex was enclosed with one more wall.

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