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Sights Of Samarkand

 History of Samarkand - this legendary and unique city - contains over 2000. Modern Samarkand - the second city of Uzbekistan after Tashkent on population and the territory, industrial value. Zaravshan is located in a left-bank hilly part of an average watercourse. The nature endowed Samarkand with fine climate and clear water - it was stretched in one of heavenly spots of the earth Uzbek. The main waterway of the city are the Zarafshan River, canals Dargom, Siab, Shau-a gift.

Музей истории Самарканда «Афрасиаб»

The museum of history of the basis of Samarkand — the museum of Samarkand devoted to history of foundation of the city. The building of the museum is located in a northern part of the city of Samarkand, near the ancient ancient settlement Afrasiab which is a large archaeological monument. Exhibits of the museum are the artifacts found in the course of excavation on the ancient ancient settlement and relating to various periods of city history.

Мечеть Хазрет-Хызр

The mosque Hazret-Hyzr (19th century) is built in honor of the legendary aged man wanderer esteemed in Islam whose cult leaves in to Islamic times. He, is also a keeper of water. Was considered that the meeting with Hazret-Hyzr happens unexpected and always brings happiness to people.

Медресе Улугбека

Ulugbek Madrasah (Ulug`bek madrasasi) is a Muslim spiritual and educational, educational and religious building of the 15th century in Samarkand. The oldest madrasah of the architectural ensemble of Registan Square, erected by the ruler of the Timurid state and scientist-astronomer Ulugbek. Together with the Sherdor and Tilla-Kari Madrasahs, it forms an integral architectural ensemble. In 2001, among other attractions of Samarkand, it was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Ulugbek Madrasah was built according to the Muslim canon in full accordance with the requirements of its era.

Медресе Шердор

Madrasah Sherdor (Sherdor madrasasi) — an Islamic educational, spiritual and educational and memorial and cult construction of the 17th century in Samarkand on the square Registan. Together with Ulugbek and Tillya-Kari's madrasah forms a complete architectural complex. In 2001 together with other sights of Samarkand, it is entered in the List of the World heritage of UNESCO.

Медресе Тилля-Кари

Tilla-Kori madrasah, Samarkand (Tilla Qori madrasasi — Gilded madrasah) — a cult, spiritual and educational and educational construction of the 17 th century in Samarkand on the square Registan. Is the latest structure on the square and together with Ulugbek's madrasah and madrasah Sherdor forms a complete architectural complex? In 2001 among other sights of Samarkand, it is entered in the List of the World heritage of UNESCO.

Мавзолей Ишратхона

Ishratkhona (Ishrat Xona maqbarasi) — the architectural monument in Samarkand constructed at the time of Timurid Abu-Seida's government (1451 — 1469). The building, apparently, was the place of burial of representatives of a dynasty of timurid as at excavation of 1940 several women's burials were found. Now the building is in ruins, and the dome and a high drum were destroyed rather recently — during an earthquake of 1903.

Мемориальный комплекс имама Аль-Бухари

Once, here at Mahomed ibn Ismail Bukhari's grave the mosque was built. The Imam of al Topers was born in the 9th century in Bukhara, but died and was buried near Samarkand in 870 g. He since the childhood, conceived a liking to Hadith, tirelessly collected and wrote down legends, many of which in a consequence were brought in "Sharia". The imam collected and ordered 7275 hadis. In 16 century over its grave the small mausoleum was built, a row built the mosque and plane trees are put. In 1998 in connection with celebration of 1225 of anniversary since the birth of the Imam on the place of the ancient mausoleum the memorial complex was built.

Мавзолей Гур - Эмир

Gur Emir (on Farsi — Emir's Tomb) — the place of burial of Temur and his descendants (15 century). The idea of creation of a complex belongs to Temur who wanted to construct a tomb for the darling, prematurely died grandson — Mahomed of Sultan who was declared Temur's successor. Later Temur, members of his family and two sheikhs — a sufiya were buried here..

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